Trust, lust, and more catchicks!

Trust is a strange issue.. one that’s been questioned a lot around here lately. I’ll say a few things on it. One, no friendship or relationship will work without it… Two, Trust takes forever to build, and only a suspicion, not even hard facts, to lose it… Three, you need to trust yourself before you […]

Protected: The hole in my chest

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My Day.. more blood…

Todays was a generally interesting day. I won’t go into a lot of it because it involves others personal lives, and I would rather stay out of that. Lets just say it’s a issue of trust. Without it, nothing will work. With it, you can live through anything anybody might say because you know in […]

The most perfect wedding

The perfect wedding… I had this planned out, and also had some help from Hailey on choosing most of it… First of all, it has to be outdoors… that’s a must! My dream place has always been on a cliff that had either forest or an ocean behind it. That would be the most beautiful […]

Protected: Read the next post before this one!

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Protected: Having a religious experience

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I wrote Eric today in what seems to be the first time in forever. Eric, for those who don’t know is my Brother. He’s in South America for a Mormon mission. I feel kinda bad because I write so little, but I’ll try harder in the future. It’s really strange, Sit me in front of […]

Hoshii wa eien. (I wish for eternity)

Many people wander through life wondering what today will bring that is different from yesterday. And many people are not surprised when they don’t find a change. Time is just a flow of moments… one after another to the gates of eternity. And all life is, honestly, a series of memories. Life is nothing more […]


Ahh, here’s a rant that’s going to piss off half the population! Girls, how much we love them, and how much they make you wish you could throw your head out the window of your car right as you sideswipe a semi travelling in the other direction. Hows that for a image! Back in highschool, […]

Protected: Personal .. destruction?

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