The paths you take in life.

This man began life like most people. He started out being carried because he was too young to walk. After a while he began to walk, both his hands holding one of his parents. In the joy of his youth, he walked like this, until suddenly, he watches his father walk away. Being young, he […]

The beginning of a new path

Today I started going out with Aubree. I hope Nagi will remain a good friend, but I do love Aubree…. always have although I hated to admit it for a bit. Hopefully the future will brighten up though.. We’ll see… ~ Matt

Back at work… *sigh*

The net was down for most cable-internet users in the area, so I was offlline for the night, and because I don’t have a modem I was unable to get online. *sigh* Oh well.. Here I am, as miserable as ever. Back at work. It’s really strange.. I actually find myself sighing everytime it beeps […]

Hectic nights

Today went by fairly well. Moved most of my stuff, and went to see Final Fantasy. (Good movie, but it lacked the magic from the games… Oh well.) The only problem I had was being tired. I spent most the night last night packing, so I had only like two hours sleep. It sucked… My […]

I’m Back…

I wasn’t expecting anything to happen tonight… I was totally just expecting on getting home from the Anime Expo, talking to Nagi to way early into the morning… and falling asleep. Instead, I go to a park with Aubree to talk… agree to date her for the time being, and watch the world blow up […]

Last Post for a week..

This will be my last post for a week or so. California has finally come upon me, and I’m SO excited! I’m hoping it’ll turn out well. I have my Kendo uniform packed and I’ll be taking my Katana and Bokens. All my anime tee-shirts as well, even though I know I’m going to pick […]

Before After Wow, these pictures are only a couple months apart… The main difference of them is, I shaved my goatee.. also, my hairs a lot shorter. Kewl! 🙂 Any comments on them? ~Matt

Love and Angels, Cali and the ocean! Whee!

Dhael: Besides, I love you. That’s nuts, huh? Strider: Really? Dhael: Yea, are you surprised? Strider: Kinda.. yea. *sigh* Yet another good friend of mine tells me she loves me. I have so many people that love me, and my heart it still trying to remember what love is. Nagi’s a awesome teacher though, so […]

The end of the greatest team in history…

Today after work, the team and I all went to denny’s to have one last get together as a official team. Me, Brandon, Bob, Tony, Nate, and Dave. Er oh.. yea.. Brennon and Artur too (But Arturs Russian.. he doesn’t count!). The base team… Ahh the memories… Everyone asking me if they wanted to miss […]

Alone in the dark.

Well, I guess my job hunt gets really active now. I went into work and was told, “Guess what, our team is dead.” I was like, huh? Response was, “What new shift do you want?” Well, that’s it… byebye comm-comm. I hated the job with a passion, and the only thing that kept me working […]