Today was a generally good day. At work I was still annoyed as all hell, but I got over it. The worst part was the project manager telling me “I need to keep my sites to work related material.” Sure, I can understand that somewhat, but I was on break and reading MegaTokyo. So, now […]

Another day in the life of a serial cat-boy. *meow?*

I just had another girl online who thinks she loves me say goodbye. Dhael if anyone remembers her. I don’t know what made her think she loves me, or what. She’s working towards her marine biological something or other degree, and so she hardly has time to come online at all… no less sleep or […]


I’m in lots and lots of pain right now.. and it sucks. One of the problems with living on your own… you are required to pay and do everything for yourself… well, I need my wisdom teeth removed, and I don’t have the money nor the insurance to have it done… and I won’t until […]

Repost for 18/19th

I haven’t had internet access for the last little bit, and it’s annoying both me and Tony. We think it’s because their doing construction on our street, but we’re still waiting to see the final verdict. I’ve already tried to check my mail, search for lyrics on a certain song, and upload stuff to my […]

A quick note

This is just a quick note to tell you whats been happening. For some reason our cable modem is dead, so I haven’t been able to get online in the last couple days. The big news from the last couple days have been, I got a new job. Pays $14/hr and no phones! 🙂 The […]

Sex? Heh.. And friends.

Ok, get this: Congrats! In your life, you’ll have sex with 5 people! And you’ll first have sex at age 24, in your lover’s bed. The info on your 5 future sex partner(s): 5 of them will be female 0 of them will be male And you will actually love 2 of them! As you […]


Current things are too hectic right now, so I’m going to overlook them.. and.. anything pertaining to girls… because right now I’m too confused as it is about them. They’re repainting my apartment and cleaning the carpets, so I should be able to move in pretty soon. My mom asked what I wanted for my […]


Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide, Voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time, The night is my companion and solitude my guide, Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied, And I would be the one to hold you down, kiss you so hard, I’ll take your breath away […]

I can’t stop now… not until my hearts dead.

Ok… I won’t stop posting… as far as I’m concerned, I still love her…. and so there is no reason for me to stop. I guess I can fully understand why she hates me now… I always told her I was too good to be true. So I guess I’ll continue loving her, and she […]

Last Post

This will most likely be the last post I write on here. I started this for a special person… but… she’s.. gone now so it seems. So there is no reason for me to continue this fantasy. For now, I guess I live in the real world. Take the pain as it comes and see […]