Life as a single man

I’ve been single now for a couple days, and it’s been interesting. I went out with a bunch of friends yesterday, and Aubree was there… so it was interesting, but it was nice. At least I’m sure we’ll always be friends now. I will always care for her, so it’s good to know we’ll always […]

Matthew Jones And Aubree Moyes July 14, 2001 – October 20, 2001

It began with a kiss and ended with a kiss. And thus ends the relationship I had hoped to never end. She says she’s not ready to love anyone, but she still loves me. *sigh* At least I’m not crying anymore. There was nobody for me to go to either. Bob wasn’t home, and Nagi […]

Airman Matthew Jones, United States Air Force

So, it’s finally done. I am now a member of the United States Air Force. Right now my departure date is May 28th, 2002, although it’s on a “move up” status so I might leave next tuesday for all I know. I go in for 8 years, but only 4 of them have to be […]

Just a small apology

Just wanted to apologize to Aubree publicly after yesterday. I was kinda really depressed and in the idea that sh wanted m gone. I was kinda rude and it wasn’t my true feelings. Just so you know, she’s been the best thing that’s happened to me in the last few years. I do love her […]

Some personallity test I stole from Alex

Disorder Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Low — Click Here To Take The Test — I guess that makes sense. Nothing really wrong with me… except dependent. I’m afraid to be alone. I hate it. It doesn’t kill me, but […]

Me, My life, the air force

Well, heh.. here is me quickly relaying the last month or so of my life. Well, it started out with way leading onto way. Now I look back with a sigh because there were paths I wish I would have taken and didn’t and now I’m stuck on this one. I received a phone call… […]


Alone. I find myself alone all the time. Something to be expected, I would suppose, living on my own… Yet, there is something about me that few realize. About me… about being alone. You could say I have a fear, but thats not quite right… it’s more of a hatred. Even with people I love […]

Whats new…

Well… I lost my job, so I guess I should have a lot more time on my hands.. right? It was great.. I was told that I would be ok missing my birthday, and when I went back, my birthday present was being laid off. *sigh* Oh well.. it gives me more time for school, […]

Happy birthday to me

Just had to quickly say that yes, I am still around. Yes, I am 22 today, and yes I’m busy! School, and work take up most of my time. I should getting extra money coming in due to webpages that I’m constructing for various people.. (Which will slow my own webpage down a bit, but […]

A quick hello

I should be in bed and all, but I decided to write this and tell ya whats been going on. First of all, the inet has been down at our place for the last two weeks, and it just came up today.. which kinda pisses me and Tony off to no end considering the repairman […]