Protected: Me, Tina, and life.

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Here some new poems I wrote. Hope you enjoy it. My life has been great lately. I’ll explain later, didn’t sleep much last night… Anyways, enjoy. I look inside those feelings locked within a tear Emotions so close to you of love and hope and fear I see all these inside of you And know […]

Both stolen from shippo As to where he stole them from, that’s his problem :)

I’m The James Bond Villain Personality Test! I live in a fictional world of spies and blonde women with ridiculous names, and I like to give people plenty of options. Although whether they’re villainous is not optional. Click here to find out which test you are! Strawberry: 0/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 40/100 Tomato: 10/100 Lemon: […]


I would just like to say, once and for all, that I will never understand girls. Thank you. Matt


I’ve had a great last couple of days. I’ve spent most of the time with Nick and Tina and we’ve had fun. We’ve been hiking in the snow at night, watched movies (don’t tell a word is actually an all right movie!), and just laid around and done nothing. Tina said tonight that will be […]

What kind of cat am I?

Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin!

Yesterday, Tina wanted me to write a poem. We were in Dee’s eating, so I pulled out a pen and took a napkin and started writing. It’s not that good, but here it is none-the-less. The winds, the whisper of a light A sunset that leads toward a magical night Auburn as the hair that […]

Today was awesome. I woke up and went to pick up Aubree. We went to the Gateway mall and walked around a little bit. Afterwards, I came home to change and stuff, but was greeted when I got home to Amy calling to tell me she couldn’t join us. Anyways, so it really was just […]

Today was a all right day. I spend most of it with Nick, Dannon and Steve. We just played video games mainly. It’s too cold outside nowadays to do much of anything else. Grand Theft Auto is a great game. 🙂 We normally play were you run down as many people as you can to […]

Conditioning vs Learned Response

Today was interesting. I spent almost all of it working. (The time I wasn’t working, I went to lunch with Aubree and took her/picked her up from work.) After Aubree got off work, we got into this big conversation. It started with her saying something from church that had a lot of ‘We love god.” […]