Just because I’m anal… Your matches, in order, are as follows: 1: Xelloss 2: Sylphiel Nels Rada 3: Filia ul Copt 3: Zelgadiss Graywords 5: Zangulus

Your matches, in order, are as follows: 1: Sylphiel Nels Rada 2: Xelloss 3: Filia ul Copt 4: Zangulus 4: Lina Inverse Damn, I was almost Xelloss! *mutter*

Argh! (Warning, harsh language)

You know, I really believe my step dad has the intelligence of a dead tree. I had some stuff in the garage (sorting stuff to get ready to move to Nicks.) Well, he decided he wanted to park the car… ON TOP OF MY STUFF! Now, aside from stupid models and other stuff I didn’t […]

Protected: Friends and futures

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Fame is mine! Well, for a bit…..

I was in the newspaper! *grin* Check it out here! Basically they quoted some of the things I said about The Lord of The Rings. My little brother was mentioned as well. Here are the quotes for your viewing pleasure. ” ‘Harry Potter’ was written for kids. ‘Lord of the Rings’ was written for everybody,” […]

Lord of the Rings!

The last couple days were nice. Yesterday I was able to stay with Tina well into the night. We went out to eat and watched a movie. I need to show her some Anime to see if she likes it. We’ll have to see on that one. And for today…. Yes… ahhhhhhh the Lord of […]

A day in the life of Matt Jones… (Now co-staring Tina Casper)

Yesterday I went down to Provo with Tina as planned, and had a pretty good day. The more interesting things that happened… Tina’s little sister (she’s like 7 or 8) had this little crush on me. It was cute. I bowed and kissed her hand as if she was a princess, and she went really […]

Great news!

Hello! I have some good news, but first lets get through the daily “In the life of Matthew Jones.” First of all, I tried to pay my speeding ticket today (The second one…) and found out they doubled the fine. It’s like $300 now. I paid half of it, but the warrant for my arrest […]

Ai = Love

Today was ok, I guess. Got my car taken care of, so I should be all right for the next while. I was supposed to go snow boarding with Nick but my coat and stuff was left at Dannons house and I didn’t want to go w/o it. And besides, Tina wasn’t feeling well so […]

Ok… I didn’t sleep last night, so I’ll be quick. 🙂 Yesterday… I was out with Nick for most the day, and then went over to Jonjon’s that night to watch his new Kimagure Orange Road DVD’s. (They’re crappy bootlegs, so I wasn’t that impressed. 😉 Kept messing up the subtitles or skipping them. Oh […]