
Hey, guess what.. I’m cheating. *hehe* I’m not supposed to be using computers… so this is going to be really quick. Life here is tough. Lots of yelling and no time to eat/sleep. I’m enduring. Otherwise, I’m doing all right. I get to go to warrior week next week, and that should be lots of […]

Updates, get your updates!

Quick little update before I fall asleep here. I leave for boot camp a week from tomorrow (Counting today as morning, which I don’t normally do… tomorrow is after you sleep… 😉 and well, I’m looking forward to it, and in a way I’m not. It’ll be the day I say goodbye to friends and […]

I should have been a mage!

Hmm.. I’m a bard. That was my favorite class to play on Everquest after a wizard. I’m surprised I wasn’t more of a wizard than a cleric actually, but looking at the detailed results, it was my next choice. Anyways, check it out. The test is here if your interested.

Two Weeks until boot camp

Hello. It’s now two weeks and one day until I leave. Things are getting hectic around here. Girlfriends are crying, friends are planning big parties, and I’m stuck in the middle of everyone trying to spend time with me. It’s kinda cool, but they are always reminding me that I’ll be gone for a long […]

Update on my life… Different Air Force Departure Date

Well, there has been a lot of drama in my life lately, so I’ll just ignore the whole personal side of it. Just believe me that you really don’t want to know… 🙂 Other news…. I went and took a test for the Air Force called the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB). Apparently, only 35-40% […]

You know, I’d be one sexy bitch.. if I were a bitch.. that is.. um.. yea………

See which Greek Goddess you are.

Sexy kitten!

Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz — Well, the pouncing part is right.. well.. I guess it’s all right. *shrug* Meow.. roar!

I shall suppose, therefore, that there is, not a true God, who is the sovereign source of truth, but some evil demon, no less cunning and deceiving than powerful, who has used all his artifice to deceive me. I will suppose that the heavens, the air, the earth, colors, shapes, sounds and all external things […]

What Cartoonist am I? Stolen from shippo

I ended up being Gabe from Penny arcade.. which I didn’t want because I don’t read it. (People say I should, but I love my megatokyo.) I thought I was more a Piro like Shippo, but he was number 5, and Largo was number three. Come on! I don’t even drink beer! Blah! So I […]

Protected: For those of you who actually give a damn about what I’ve been doing.

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