Time passes…

I’ve been hoping things would get easier, but as long as there is something to remember, I still do. I tried to call her, but I didn’t get an answer, nor has she called me since. I guess she really wants a clean break or something. It would be easier on her and Tyrell I […]

Single once more?

I took Aubree to the airport on saturday morning, and have been alone since. I though my friends would stop by on sunday, but I guess not. I couldn’t even sleep because my bedroom smelled like her. And the car doesn’t work so I couldn’t go anywhere… I just sat there and tried not to […]

The last day married.

Aubree leaves tomarrow morning. I’ve prob cried more in the last week than I have in my entire life… I’ve been pretty good about not breaking down in front of people, but it has been hard. I’ll survive but it’ll be harder still. After tomarrow, I’ll be alone in my house for the next month […]

The end was always there, I guess… Goodbye Aubree

Well, I guess I should have known better. Aubree and me will never really be together. Not even marriage was strong enough for that. Well, I guess I’ll explain… She arrived in Monterey on Friday, and after we did all the things we needed to get the house, she slept the rest of the night. […]

Matthew Jones, and now introducing Aubree Jones, My Wife.

I just came back from Salt Lake today and I guess I’m kinda sad at having to leave Aubree behind. It shouldn’t be for more than a couple weeks though. As for the wedding, aside from my ride to the airport deciding to ditch me and making me pay $180 on a cab, everything was […]

Marriage and Air Force

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been here and actually wrote in this thing. I guess I’m just spending too much time doing other stuff (like stuff I’m required to do to really notice.) I just phased up today, (whoo hoo) so I’m wearing my civilian clothes for the first time in 10 weeks. […]

Life and time

This will be my first long post, basically describing my life and stuff over the past few weeks… I should prob make it friends only, but I don’t care. If you really want to read it, go ahead.

stolen from shippo
In Monterey California

Well, I’m in California. It’s fun here, I’ll give it that. I live on Monterey Peninsula, which is awesome. Just walk to the top of the hill and I see ocean in three directions. It does get quite cool here because of it, but it’s still really beautiful. The military side of life… because I […]

Last day of boot camp!

Well, I’ve finished it. I live through the yelling, the push-ups, the mental abuse, the physical abuse, the stupid trainee’s, the stupid airmen, and all the imaginable stuff (some of it unimaginable) that a TI (Training instructor) can do to you in boot camp. Some cool things that came from it. I graduated with Honor […]