
Today was a good day. Aside from being a chauffeur for people… and putting off the inevitable super house cleanup for Thursday, I just sat around and talked with Nagi. It reminded me of old times. We were able to talk of everything and didn’t have to worry about each other, because we knew the […]

Protected: I would just like to take a general poll

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Paid User!

Well, I finally did it. I paid for my Livejournal account. I’ve been meaning to forever now, and as far as I see, they did a great job and are working hard to keep livejournal running so it only seemed right. I consider it like anime… while I have ALOT of stuff I received from […]

Latest news… I’m on Drill team. (They throw rifles at each other and make it look cool. 🙂 I’m actually really good at it. I already have my black rope showing I’m on presentation team. *grin* I’ve hurt myself a few times by catching it wrong and bled over everything… I also broke a rifle […]


I just passed a part from one of the books (The Wheel of Time) I’ve read many times that I forgot about. There is this section where one of the main characters gets married. I remember reading that in the past and thinking about how great it would be to get married.

Quick Update

Well, the date didn’t go quite as planned. I didn’t know where the dance was, nor did I try to find out since they were taking me. Hehe… well, they didn’t know either, so after trying their few guesses, we just went to eat and talked. It was all right I guess. Next time I’m […]

Is life anything more than a big joke?

Well, I’ve fixed my computer so I’m typing this from my own front room. If I wasn’t such a super genius I might be really depressed right now without a computer. *smile* Well, lets start right off with how pathetic my life is (read: proof I’m a false super genius) First, I get an e-mail […]

My life as of late

Well now… I guess I should catch you all up… Tina came out to spend the week with me and she arrived last thursday. We went to the Anime expo and while we were down in long beach, we visited Knottsberry farms, and Universal Studios, as well as visiting Hollywood. The only bad thing is […]


Things seem to be getting worst. I need to spend $600 to get Aubree’s car fixed… I need to come work all day saturday because I missed something I needed to do Saturday to drive Aubree to the bus station… I’m stuck in an empty house, with no vehicle, and no friends to go visit […]


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