I love the way you speak your mind I love the way you swear I love the way you walking with your head held in the air. I love the way your words move I love the way you drive I love the way you scared of ppl, scared to be alive Stay you, thats […]


Sometimes I don’t understand girls. I’ve told Tina that I just want to be friends like 100 times, yet last night she spent like a hour trying to get me to change my mind. It was the first time in my life I’ve had someone tell me not to yell at them… I guess I […]

Protected: My New Place

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

I failed my test today… again. It’s not that I don’t study, it’s just with everything that’s been happening… divorce, losing my house, etc, I haven’t had the time to do much studying. And what I do study, I don’t remember much of it. And it’s harder because I’m still trying to get out of […]

My Romance Meter Optimist 80% . . 20% Cynic

Here are some pictures of me in uniform for anyone who cares.

test day… blah!

Today wasn’t too bad of a day. I did all right on my speaking test I think… and studied for my test tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes though. Who knows. Lets see… I might be one of the Sabre Guards at the Air Force Ball. (I’m one of the people that hold the swords […]

this song is really sweet

“The One” -No rush though I need your touch I won’t rush your heart Until you feel on solid ground Until your strength is found, girl I’ll fill those canyons in your soul Like a river lead you home And I’ll walk a step behind In the shadows so you shine Just ask it will […]

Another Rant for the helpless people who can’t not read my stuff.

Well, it was supposed to be a rant anyways… another one about love… but after deleting it a dozen times to start over, I gave up. Just nothing felt right… and I wasn’t sure I really believed some of what I wrote. So I’m just going to write… not pay attention, just write. I just […]

Stolen from

StriderA probability that StriderA has masturbated today: 74% StriderA‘s lucky number is: 37 StriderA is most like the color #121149: username: by James