
Found the coolest new comic strip today! Under Power! It has catgirls, elves, and tech stuff! It’s great! Here are some shots to show you: Awww.. how cute.. and nice underdeveloped… er.. nevermind.. I wish I could get a job like this… Now that is one sexy catgirl! Ah my goddess! Wow, he’s not bad. […]

My Favorite Female Part Is: The Face: Sweet and angelic… except when she yells at me… Find out your favorite female body part!


I don’t know what to think of today. I got all my plans set for this weekend. Me and four of the guys are going to San Fran to chill for the weekend. (I’ll prob spend most of my time in Chinatown *hehe*) but I’m looking forward to that. We have the room reserved and […]

Tired tired tired!

Well, I’m pretty tired… I couldn’t sleep very well last night and was up until like 3am, which sucked because I had to wake up at 6 this morning. (5:45 actually…) And so I’m pretty tired. After class I ran for my hour with Air Force PC, and then I went to the Fitness Center […]

Reminiscing on the old days…

I was sitting around and thinking today, mainly because there wasn’t anything else to do… and realized how much of my life I missed out on because I wasn’t born in Japan. … No wait.. hear me out on this! First of all, I missed out on those special moments when I stop calling someone […]

Wasted Day

Well… The anime party happened, and I ended up watching the Cowboy Bebop movie by myself. After that, I read or messed around online until I had the date… which I waited for about two hours before I said ‘Screw it’ and got a bunch of friends and we went out to eat. That was […]

Just another day, just another dream

Well, I guess it happened one more time. I broke down crying… it sucked. It wasn’t for any old reason, but for a new one. A anime called Kanon, which I think has become my favorite. It talks about a love story between a few different people. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone […]

One step closer, and a million more to make

Time has been passing, yet still I feel the same. I’ve been studying harder, trying more to become better at Arabic, but I end up still confused. I am doing better in class, but these sessions of staying up until twelve thirty in the morning don’t help at all in the classroom. Also, they assign […]

I hate arabic!

احقد عربي احقد كتابي هو احقد تكلم هو احقد كل شيء هو Translation: I hate Arabic. I hate Writing it. I hate reading it. I hate everything!