It’s sad because it’s true.. :(

Your Sex Life’s a Zero! You’re every prude’s biggest hero, Because your sex life is a zero. There is one thing I am willing to bet… That you haven’t even had sex yet. How Does *Your* Sex Life Compare? Click Here to Find Out!

Stolen from shippo

The Ever-Expanding Jupiter. My spirit flys beyond any boundry. I am that which enlightens the masses. What Planet Are You From? this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

My December
The land of the free.

Today I was told I’m being dis-enrolled from my class. So no more Arabic for me. I don’t know what will happen, but we’ll see… Also, tonight I watched A Clockwork Orange and it reminded me of reading the book forever ago. I don’t think I Liked it much then either. Sure, it’s a great […]

Wisdom Teeth hurt…

Actually, it’s the removal of them that hurts. They only removed one of them. The upper right. It was tearing the tooth next to it a new … (insert witty word here), and so they removed it. It wasn’t that bad.. I just stared at the ceiling while they jerked, poked, etc. And now I’m […]

Marriage Destruction

Just got back from Legal and here’s the deal… I don’t qualify for an annulment because that’s only for severe cases, like if Aubree was really a man or mentally insane. Besides, I would have to get a lawyer and fight it and all that junk… So, we go for a no-fault divorce. Summery Dissolution. […]

I’m just in the mood to talk, so of course I come here. I don’t have anybody around here to talk to… and even if I did, they’d prob be asleep. I was poking around the web and found that Aubree mimicked Bob’s idea and made a msn group. One of her posts goes as […]

Happy Birthday…

Well.. for my birthday.. My mom gave me a really nice 300 CD case (also from brother and sister I guess..) Dad sent me.. something.. still in mail… Tina gave me a photo album and made a cool cake. And lots of people said happy birthday. Nagi, Shippo, Nick, Clint, Rory, Alex and Darcy, etc.. […]

My Poetry Style?

find your poetry stylethis quiz was made by mamaslyth

Happy Birthday To Me

I’m not sure what I’m doing tomorrow, but a bunch of friends are taking me out for my birthday. It should be fun. I wonder if anyone from home even remembers other than my Family… Who knows… Nick prob remembers… I wonder about Aubree.. I would think she does, but who knows nowdays. Nagi knows… […]