
I slept for about 12 hours straight last night and I had some interesting dreams… First was me and Aubree being together, and that made me mad… mad enough to where I knew it was a dream and woke myself up. After that I knew it was just a dream, I was mad that I […]

Work.. blah

Today kinda sucked… I guess. It wasn’t bad, just long. I started working CQ, which is normal. Woke up at 5pm, showered, shaved, etc. Got to CQ at 7:45 as normal. Worked until about 4am doing the normal stuff… Watching the kid on suicide watch, unlocking doors for dumbasses who locked themselves out, reading the […]

I don’t know…

It’s the end of another long night. And I have two more ahead of me… Nothing interesting happened. Just a lot of Air Force BS that I’m used to. Just another night of me being tired. I don’t mind the job, but it gives me a lot of time to think… It’s hard being given […]

Charge of Quarters (CQ)

Night CQ. First night.. What a rush. First, one of my friends gets put on Suicide watch. She was ok though.. she just missed her family and stuff… Then another girl I didn’t know started flipping out because she didn’t get reclassed into a job she wanted… another suicide watch and I ended up following […]

I’m hello kitty star fairy… how cute!

I’m Hello Kitty Star Fairy! made by:Jen


I have done it. After years of careful planning… months of scheming… and time and time again of failure, I have finally succeeded with one of my dreams. I have bought Final Fantasy X! Now, I can not waste any more precious time with this nor sleep nor anything else… Must play.. must.. pla…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

The really scary part is.. it’s almost perfectly true! (I don’t know hundreds of Kanji… YET…)

You Are a Henna Gaijin! You’re not Japanese, but you wish you were! You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you’ve memorized hundreds of Kanji. You even answer your phone “moshi moshi.” While the number of anime videos you’ve seen is way higher than the number of dates you’ve been on, there’s hope. […]

work and play and… other stuff

note: I wrote this last night.. I found out the ‘unknown hosts’ were from my connection when I tried to post this. *blarg* Took until this morn for me to be able to connect again. Oh well What to do… what to do? I have the day off work (I don’t start CQ until Thursday) […]

The Pocky Dance!!

Everyone should learn to do the pocky dance! Click here to start your first lesson today!