Forgot to mention

I’ve been meaning… but I keep forgetting… HI NAGI! 🙂

Thanks Giving Day

Today was the day to give thanks. I went to eat a wonderful thanksgiving dinner at the Army Chow Hall, but, alas, they were closed. So my roommate and I ordered Pizza instead. I also sat around watching him play Kingdom hearts all day. Truly a great game. He’s almost beat it. (In three days. […]


I just received an E-Mail today from Nick. It was telling me that he never wants to see me again. So I just lost my best friend. Then I saw one from Joe Sine, again telling me he didn’t want to see me more or less. (If he saw me he would kick my ass…) […]

Home for Christmas

Just bought my plane ticket. Cost me $410. *heh* I hope nobody expects a present for christmas. Blah. I really need to start saving my money better. Matt

Protected: My Address And Phone Number

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

My new place

I’m in Missouri now. I don’t have a computer, nor is there any places easily accessable with one, but my friend has one and he’s letting me use it. (He’s kinda my roommate… we have seperate bedrooms and stuff, but we share a kitchen/bathroom…) I don’t mind this place. I’m TDY right now, so my […]

Just about to turn off phone service. I leave this weekend. See you all when I can. Matt

Matt, in trouble again… blah…

Whoohoo! Another claim to fame. I found a omake (extra.. ie: DVD Easter Egg) on Strawberry Eggs Vol. #2, which I bought a little bit ago. Four other people must have turned it in too, but my names still on the list! Whoo hoo! oh, it’s here if you want to check it out. Also, […]

Goodbye Monterey…

Ok. Just to keep you up to date. I now have my Orders, and I go in tomorrow to see when I leave. I’m going to try to drive the car to Salt Lake and then fly from there to Missouri. It should be easy enough. I work tonight and I’m going to be spending […]

Just found out, my new perm base is Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. I guess I better start learning how to say y’all and speaking with a twang. But I WILL NOT sleep with my sister, no matter what’s accepted there. *shudder* Edit: I graduate from “mechanic” school on January 14th, then I go […]