Well, Christmas is over with, and I was quite pleased with it. I went over to Tina’s dad’s house and watched her little brother/sister open presents. That was really cute. They liked my present which was good. Afterwards we went to my moms house, and then to my dads to do our own present unwrapping. […]

Just a little update… I’ll write more later. I think I’m getting married soon…. again… and for good this time. *smiles* Bye! Matt

At the airport

I tried this once before but it didn’t work. I forgot to save the stupid thing. *smiles* Ahh, what a nut I am. It’s now 7:26am and my flight leaves in a hour. I’ve been stuck here for I about 12 hours now, and it hasn’t been too bad. Aside from the lack of sleep, […]

Barracks Life

Well, it’s done. I’m in the barracks now. I won’t be on here much. I’ll rant about them making me Phase I for the weekend and stuff later. I’ll be in SLC in a week though.. Stupid people, moving me for 8 days.. *blah* Matt

Trouble in my side of the woods…

Well, there are two problems I have to face right now. First once is leave. My plane leaves here on the 18th at 1pm, because Christmas Exodus starts… well, the commander said today that he’s not letting anybody leave until 6pm. So, I might have to buy a BRAND NEW ticket to get home. And […]

Rant written about a documentery on Norma-Jean Dougherty (Marilyn Monroe)

I wrote this last night while watching this show.. there is another one I wrote on “O” as well, and I might include that afterwards or later. I just watched a show on Norma-Jean Dougherty (sp?)… or Marilyn Monroe. It was almost hard for me to watch. I couldn’t understand it. None of it. A […]

What final fantasy Character am I? Terra! She’s the star! Whee, I’m so cool! ^_^

Final Fantasy VI Personality Test brought to you by Quizilla

Laptop? I guess so…

I just purchased a laptop. I did it through a military thing, so it’s just going to take money out of my paycheck for the next little bit. It’s a fairly nice one. I wanted one with at least a 15″ display, but I had to get a 14″. (Only kinda they had…) The specs […]

Dreams and questions

Last night I had an interesting dream. It starts out with me and Aubree. We were evading something. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but I just knew that it was chasing Aubree. We ran through a bunch of obsticles, and it took both of us to keep ahead. Then someone else (whom […]