Today was a .. GREAT day. Why was it so great? Well, I shall tell you. I can now download stuff REALLY fast. Because, I got a new Cable Modem. Roadrunner. I have a new email address too that I think I’m going to keep safe and hopefully only my friends will use. Then I […]

It’s funny… I starting choosing all of Dom’s questions just because he has a katana, and for some reason, wielding a Katana made me ignore the pocket protector part… hehe. But I end up a Kimiko. I guess I’m just too.. um.. I would say cute but that might look bad. Demure.. that works. Too […]

They let me go home early today, and I have the next two days off! Whee! So what do I do in my spare time? I download video’s and take a nap. But I have to say, I downloaded a preview for the new Final Fantasy X-2… and HOLY HELL! This game is going to […]


Today was both a lesson in the good and the bad. First of all, I had to wake up at 5am and go to the flightline and drive around it. I got to look at all the pretty blue and white lights. Got to watch the red line painted on the ground that if you […]

Today I had a power failure while using my computer.. and the registry was corrupt because of it. *sigh* And I still have a week until my battery arrives. Why me! *mutter* Tomorrow I’m going to try and get my phone line up so I can do stuff from my room and take calls. Lots […]

Here is my new address. No phone number yet. I’ll prob get a Cell Phone instead… working on getting a cable modem. Here’s for hoping. A1C Matthew Jones PSC Box 1554 Pope AFB, NC 28308 As for the barracks? They are small. Very small. I share a kitchen and a bathroom with someone else, which […]

Pope AFB

I’m here and alive. I got a ride out here from another Airman whom I happened to meet on the way. I need to check in to my squadron on Monday, but until then I get free time. I’m staying in Billiting (hotel like place) until then as well. Also, I’m supposed to call my […]

Airman First Class Matthew S Jones, Official Vehicle Operator.

Well, it’s over and done with. I done and gradinumated.. (Graduated for you redneck-illiterate people 😉 I am now a Vehicle Operator. (Well, honestly, I will be tomorrow at about 9am when the actual ceremony takes place. But I already have my AFSC Pin… which is the pin that identifies your Air Force Specialty Code, […]

“666 plus 1337=2003”

I thought that was cute when I saw it. I read it in Piro’s rant on MegaTokyo. I’ll copy how he described it here as it is good. The equation above has been pointed out to me by several people at this point, and I have to admit, it’s rather amusing. You take ‘3v1l l33t’, […]

Happy New Years

I’m sure I’m just continuing the current rave by wishing you all a happy new year, and you prob don’t even care, but I do hope things go better for you this year. I know this year will be better for me. I’ll be happier, I’m sure about that. People keep telling me ‘good luck’ […]