You know… I think I have a special outlook on my feelings. It’s strange, but sometimes, to me, it feels as if I’m looking at someone elses emotions and am examining them. I say sometimes, because other times I let myself float in them, and go where they lead me. Normally, when I get angry, […]

Here is another good one. Anime Lyrics (.com) Anime Lyrics: Full Moon o Sagashite – Myself

I was going to post the lyrics to a song here, but I found a place with the translation as well and it’s a good site, so go there and read the song. It’s good. Anime Lyrics (.com) Anime Lyrics: Full Moon o Sagashite – New Future

Whats up in my life…

First of all, today I was told I would be the Class Leader for the rest of the First Term Airman’s Course. Means I’ll be in charge of fourty students. There are two general class leaders below me and a uniform class leader (he checks everyones uniform to make sure their good to go..) My […]

Damned laptop

Well, for the last couple days, I was thinking I had a problem with the USB drivers on my laptop. Sometimes they would work, but most the time I get this nice message: One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it. If it did happen to […]


To err is human, to repent, divine, to persist, devilish. — Benjamin Franklin Maybe that’s where I keep going wrong… *ponder* hehe

The past, or the future?

I’ve had a lot of things on my mind lately. Stuff dealing with life and the path I’ve chosen. As a child I was curious to no end. My mother tells me stories about how I took everything apart. How I asked questions concerning everything. I used to love school. I would study hard and […]

Just another day

Ahh, another day off, wasted! Well, not really. I read alot.. watched some Final Fantasy Unlimited, and downloaded a bunch of other stuff to include the old Legend of Zelda cartoon, Ayumi videos, various anime, etc. Just another day. On a side note… I don’t understand how some girls let things happen when they know […]


For those who haven’t seen her yet.. Here’s a pic of me and Tina at the airport. It’s not the best, but it works. 🙂

Should be sleeping.. I should be doing alot of other stuff too… *shrug*

Hello. It snowed a whole inch in NC today, and due to it, the base closed and I was sent home at 11a. Thank god! Oh yea, also people were sliding off the roads, accidents left and right, and general chaos reigned. This place is so humorous. This is even more so than watching them […]