My Post

I just spent about a hour posting and the computer lost it. I hate it when that happens, so now I’m going to go quick. Had a root canal done yesterday morning, and I get to finish it up tomorrow. I also get my wisdom teeth done on monday. Sucky. My Aunt has offered to […]


Just a quick update.. I just worked all night and then had a root canal this morning… I’ll write at work tonight. Topics.. my teeth.. aunt, Tina, music, war, and whatever else I can think of. 🙂

Just wanted to say, thank you…

Fuck Peace

One of my goals in life was to post at slashdot, and I’ve done it! Whee!

Slashdot Clothes That Kill

When you lose sight of the game…

Time for another movie rant.. You prob want me to talk about what has been going on with my life, but that will have to wait. For a little reassurance, I plan on starting to write daily again. We’ll see what happens. Anyways… I just watched a show called Ping Pong. If you want it […]

This is pretty funny…

So You Want To learn Japanese…

A cadillac?

I never thought I would be saying this.. But I want a caddy! Check it out! Caddy, Model 5

My Poetry

I searched all my old journal entries and found all my poems. I decided to put links in this entry to keep them in one place. Enjoy. Note: These are either the title or the poems first line. If ever there was a time I did fear Boku no Tenshi I sit and I wonder […]

April Fools?

Ok.. So my last entry was an April Fools Joke… but by the looks of it nobody noticed. Oh well. I thought it was cute.. even though anyone who even remotly knows me would know it’s a joke. Whatever..

The end..

I haven’t posted in a while because things are hectic. Life is getting tough… I’m working hard to pay all these bills. It’s been tough hiding my drug habit from the military, but they’re starting to suspect. I’ve missed a few days work because I drank too much and couldn’t wake up. And now the […]