do {work();sleep();} until $dead;

Well, as you can see, nothing’s been happening. I work a lot.. and on my days off, I normally just chill with Tina. Works been kinda annoying lately. Since Amn Sweet left about a month ago, I’ve taken over the other dispatch office (normally used for U-Drive it vehicles, if you have any clue what […]

A poll! It’s a poll!

Ok, here is the jest of it… My wife, dagger_garnet, needs a job as she mentions in her journal. I would very much like it if she has one she enjoys. We were thinking of publishing her poems, but thats a difficult process when your just beginning. I however, think that writing is something she […]

Time moves on…

Well, work kinda sucks. It’s not doing it.. it’s just that it takes away from valuable computer time! hehe I really need to do my CDC’s and stuff, but thats really boring… and besides, if I did them now it would end my procrastination streak! Tina is doing well. She’s getting more used to being […]

Good Information!

My wife informed me of this a little bit ago, and since I never knew it before, I thought I should pass it on. Girls don’t usually have breasts on their hair. Good to know, eh? (P.S. I might die from posting this. We’ll see later. *grin*) Am I really that mean?

And nothing else matters….

Things have been really good lately. Been working and trying to unpack while I get the chance. With everything that has been happening, we haven’t gotten very far. However, I have the next three days off so I should get caught up. Lets see. Tina and I bought a new washer and dryer from sears. […]

Wedding Pictures

Check them out and tell me how they are. Click here for Strider’s Wedding pics!


The wedding. Well, what can I say? The day was beautiful. The weather rocked, the place was awesome, and the bride was the most beautiful girl in the world. (If your a girl, sorry… it’s true…) It was the most perfect day. Everything went wonderfully. And well, the outcome is… I have a wife now. […]

I’m in Salt Lake. I’m safe, and alive. I have the practice in a hour and a half today, and I guess all my friends from out here are throwing me a party tomorrow. Who knows. Anyways, I’ll message more as things progress. Later. 🙂

Protected: My new address/phone number

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

One week! OMG!

Well, I get married A WEEK FROM TODAY! Hehe.. I already have my apartment, and my new phone number and all that fun stuff. I’ll post it all in a friends journal entry after this. As for now, I’m actually getting ready to leave. I only have two days left before I go home. Yay! […]