A few funny pictures that were posting around in IRC. Made for Microsoft XP. I hope he gets danger pay. This one is X rated: Clicking on it means you are 18 or older… Or you are lying, either way, who cares.


I wrote a paper a little bit ago about MUD’s and, more specifically, my MUD. It’s based from circlemud and altered majorly. I wrote this a while ago, and updated it little since. If you have any comments, feel free to post them. 🙂

School, kitties, and the wife! :)

I’m Tired… ugh! Oh well, only a hour and a half of work to go. Next month we should be going back to the 8 hour shifts, so I’m looking foward to that. School has been good so far. I took my first test in Art Appreciation, where I had to correctly answer the name […]

Protected: Two questions that nobody can answer…

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Fun stuff

Ever wonder how the earth was really created? You see, the bible was written by farmers, fishermen, and the like, but not one of them was an Engineer, so they couldn’t write it how it truely was. You can, however, check out the Internal Corporate Correspondence for Project Genesis. It’s enlightening to say the least. […]

Legend of Zelda

This little movie wasn’t too bad considering it was all drawn with a mouse and done in flash. Check it out here. I should mention that I stole this from digitl_siryn. 🙂

My next step

Well, my year is up and I’m no longer a paid livejournal user. I wish I could figure out how to get a permanent account like shippo. I’m not as l33t as he is. 🙁


Ok.. after some annoying stuff, I’m finally in school. I’m going to Campbell University and am taking the most important class required for knowledge in Comp Science. Art Appreciation! After all, write code long enough, and you have to learn to appreciate art… because sometimes it’s useless otherwise. 🙂 Anyways, I waited until friday to […]

Interview from shippo:

1.) First of all, how’s life been lately? I haven’t heard too much from you lately. 1) Life has been great. Marriage is fun. Working 12 hour shifts, but it’s ok. Hopefully I should start school in a couple weeks so things should get better. 2.) How’s the wife? 2) She’s good. A little stressed […]
