Go figure…

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Final Grades for my two western Civ courses are in… well, not officially but since it’s an online course we can see our grades. Western Civ I: 1020 out of 1032 Western Civ II: 994 out of 1030 You needed a 930 to get an A. I’m kinda proud of myself. Only 12 points below […]

Stolen from my wife, which was stolen from a friend who raped the king of england to bring it to us

or something like that. However, I think this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever read! I never thought about how we read and it’s quite amazing. Aoccdrnig to a rsearechr at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the […]

I received my grades for my Discrete Math and Christianity class. Discrete math was a B, and Christianity is an A. Go figure… Discrete math kicked my ass and I knew it. I’ll do better in my other classes to keep my high gpa.. no more 4.0 🙁

Lazy Sunday Afternoon…

Welp, not much to do right now, but I’ll be pretty busy in the morning. I received my grades on both my essays (146 and 147 out of 150) and should get my final grades for Discrete math and Intro to Christianity tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed. I’m looking forward for next semester since […]

An observation…

I’m currently reading Terry Goodkind’s Stone of Tears. It’s the second book in the Sword of Truth series, and I enjoy them very much. As I finished a chapter, I set the book down to take a little break and think about it. The unexpected thoughts came when I looked at the book cover and […]

Protected: Just between me and you…

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

What to do?

Well.. here I am. At work.. No runs. It’ll be a semi slow night. No homework… Finished math final. I have my religion final in two days so I don’t have to worry about that, I’ve finished all my essays, and I finished all my homework in my two history classes. I have NOTHING I […]

Lot to say, no time to say it.

Ok.. I guess I’ll give you the update to my life. I’ve been very out of the loop lately since I’ve had two essays, a bunch of finals, and all kinds of junk to keep me busy. A month ago we had exercises on base where I had to run around everywhere in my gas […]


For those who have been following the SCO case or even care about it, this is pretty funny. SCO: Without Fear and Without Research