
Since the place where I posted the images went by so fast, I put them up on my server and updated the last entry. If you tried to click on the images and it didn’t work, try again.

Some off the wall things…
Protected: Marriage?

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


Welp… big day tomorrow. Get to drive the general around base and stuff. It will actually be boring knowing my job. Me and Tina went to Raleigh and stayed at the mall for a few hours. It was good. Ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and it was awesome. Prob the best service I’ve ever had […]

Long long day

Ok.. what happened today… First, I found out (officially) that I made it as Group Airman of the Quarter. We’re having an award banquete on Thursday that I have to go to. Secondly, we’re having a three star general comming to the base, and I’ve been selected to drive him around. One cool thing is […]

Recent news

Been training like mad. Driving tractor trailer for 8 hours each day kinda sucks. I’m pretty good at up/down shifting and backing up though so I shouldn’t need to continue like this much longer. I did happen to snag me a Lottery Ticket while in South Carolina today so who knows, maybe I’ll be rich… […]


Start classes tomorrow. Taking Adv Programming (C++) and English 101. Grades for last term: Physics: B Intro to C++: A Sociology, The Family: A That B really irks me. My GPA now is 3.75 Anyways… we started 12 hour shifts at work. 🙁 Um… We’re going on vacation in May… And since I hardly know […]

Since nobody said anything about my semi-poll question earlier, I’m canceling it. Doesn’t matter anyways… MIT charges about $30K /year for tuition… AECP pays $15K. Even with the MGIB I would be paying some. So, I guess not. oh well.

Since I don’t really expect to graduate from Campbell, I changed my “Completed Class” to show my progress for AECP. The schedule is here or more specifically here.

One more note…

They blocked LiveJournal at work. I get the big red screen of death now. “This computer is authorized for official business only.” It’s supposidly the actions of people who look at porn using those lewd lj communities. So, yea.. I’ll be posting/reading at home from now on. One other thing. I start 12 hour shifts […]