To all those who are praying for me…

THANK YOU! Welp, I guess that requires a story. Todays chapter is on how my day, which was supposed to be very uneventful, turned really scary. Lets see, I woke up at 2pm, which is ok since I went to bed around 7am, and promptly put on my body armor and waited for the mortars […]

Really bad Wal-Mark joke :P
Yet another day in hells kitchen.

Welp, it was another hot one. 130 in the shade is the normal out here. (I’m not sure what it was exactly today…) It gets so hot that you’ll wake up and your clothes will be stuck to you with sweat. The air conditioners just can’t deal with it. My air conditioner leaks too, and […]

Abbot and Costello?

I remember my little brother(Eric) and doing Abbot and Costello’s Who’s on first when I was younger and I think we enjoyed it quite a bit. It was a fun skit to play for people and I always got a good laugh out of it. Anyways, when allunacdrake sent me this in my email, I […]

Yet another uneventful day

Today I honestly didn’t do anything. Woke up for lunch, read my book, wrote a letter, sat around, went to dinner, sat around some more, went outside and laid on a bunker and watched the stars for a hour or so and then came here to check my email and update this. (It’s funny how […]

Life in Balad

Since I didn’t do much today to really talk about (unless hearing about laundry and me playing counterstrike for hours is interesting, I’ll talk about life here. Generally it’s not so bad. If you ignore the mortars we usually get (still haven’t been hit today, maybe they’re on vacation) and all the sand (that at […]

Guard duty and Around the World in 80 Days

Welp, guard duty was a lot of nothing. We have a big tower on the south side of the base. I stand there with my M4, seven magazines of ammo (30 rounds a piece), binoculars, and not much else. I had to wear full body armor and equipment, and I couldn’t sit down for four […]

User picture

Just for knightcat I mirrored my user picture so I’m saluting with my right hand vs my left hand. 🙂 I have guard duty in a few hours so I need to go get ready. I’m going to go watch Around the World in 80 days here afterwards and then I’ll come tell you how […]

Guard Duty

I’ve been put on Guard Duty for a week or so. It’s not a bad job imho. Basically I sit in the towers surrounding the base and make sure nobody tries to sneak in and stuff. It’s four hour shifts and all so I get lots of free time… not that there is much to […]


Not much happened today. I sat through a whole lot of briefings today that covered everything form rules of engagement to where we’ll be driving. We have the safest truck company in iraq right now (and we’re also the biggest.) We have so few injuries or casulties because we’re trained really well and always diligent. […]