A day of changes

Sorry to do this to you all, but I’m in the mood to talk… Just one of those days, ya know… I’ll try to lj-cut what I can, but otherwise expect a long entry.

LJ User Stats (Stolen from anibunny)

Stats of who’s been replying in my journal. It actually makes me a little sad to know that some of the people don’t anymore. That’s life I guess. Anyways, I’ll post more later.

Problems in Iraq

I wrote this once and the internet ate it… I’ll try to write it again. The worst part about being in Iraq is not being there for people back home. I can handle being shot at… I can handle the chance of being blown up by a mortar or an IED. But it’s hard to […]

Days come and days go…

I’m starting to lose track of how often we’re attacked here… It’s all becoming one blur. I think we were hit twice, but it might be more. I only remember twice though. (One when I was in the shower, damn them!) Today was just another long day in the stretch of long days I have […]

We just had our second casualty today. The first was Staff Sgt. Dustin Peters who was killed in Mosul when a IED stuck his convoy. We just received the first from our truck company, and it happened back in the states. I can’t remember his name, but on his first day back, he committed suicide. […]

Two days worth of stuff

Ok, yesterday the computers (like all of them on base, for some reason) were doa. Phones too. (Well, the ones next to my tent anyways.) So I wrote nothing yesterday, but I’ll try to make up for it anyways. Yesterday we had three mortar attacks… so much for my perfect day. (At least that’s what […]

A somewhat interesting (and enjoyable) day!

So, after I got off last night, I walked back to my tent, shaved and did all that bs, and went to morning formation for guard duty. It was kinda stupid since they tell you what you’re going to be doing, but since I did it all last week I already knew. Blah! Oh well. […]

The end of the first week

Welp, my one week of guard-tower duty has just ended… or is it begun? Well, it seems that they signed me up to do it again. My shift now is from 4pm-8pm. I guess it’s not bad (it’s not the noon shift) but no more nvg’s… I guess I can draw little pictures while making […]

Truly a boring day

Nothing happened of interest. The alarm sounded four times, although I think some were false or duds. Not sure. Guard duty was boring, the only thing of interesting being two dogs that ran past. And here the internet works about half the time. So yea, boredom at it’s best. Nobody is online to chat with […]

WTF, Mate?

If you failed to understand this, watch this. It’s my favorite flash movie ever! The end of the World