Yup, I’m the bitch… and a crazy bitch at that…

Work has been draining me so much I almost don’t want to do anything else… It’s not that the job is really hard or anything… it’s just that they treat me like I’m nobody. Yesterday was full of “Jones, go clean that up.” and “Jones, there’s grease on the ground, what you trying to do? […]

Let me tell you about my day/night/day

Right, last night I wake up at 4:30pm so I can get dressed, eat, and do other niceties before my shift started. So I do all that, go to work (which was pretty busy… I stayed in the truck the entire time, except for the time I was supposed to go eat which I spent […]

Professor StriderA

Right… so I walked my pretty little ass down to the education office to talk to Major Hilton and we have a deal. At this time, I’m teaching Intro to C++ from 8am-10am twice a week. Of course, we still need to get the word out and get the students, but at the moment I […]

Another boring day… but with a cool video!

Today was boring.. slept in until way late since it’s my day off, and then went over to the AF side to do laundry. (Of course, that means CS while waiting…) Anyways, after that I came here. With plenty of free time on my hands, I decided to upload a video that some of the […]

My character

Some of the people out here have a online roleplaying group. I decided to drop in every now and then, so I created my character. If you want, you can check it out.

Don’t have much time…

I need to be awake in four hours to meet the major. Work has been boring. Watched Eurotrip, and that was good for a T&A movie. I laughed pretty hard. Anyways, today I’ll find out what’s the deal with me teaching down here. So yea, I’m going to go get the little sleep I can. […]

Change is inevitable…

So, I after I post last night I go to the chow hall to eat. I just happen to sit next to our chief and we sat there talking. (During this time we were attacked, and had like 7-8 mortars hit, a few pretty close.. our battalion building was hit too… nobody hurt though. Pretty […]

Just a quote…

“If this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a […]

Boring day…

Lets see… I woke up and took my uniforms into alterations so I’ll have a couple more SrA tops, and then went over to the Air Force side to see if there was something to do. I played a little counterstrike but that got boring when it was 2 on 1. (I could always kill […]

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