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For better or worst…

Well, I guess we’ll see if worst comes to be or not, because things might be getting alot better! We have a new supervisor… again… and the first thing we were told was, “Ok, no more days off since this is a 7 day a week operation… and you’ll be working later at nights.” None […]

For better or worst…

… I’m stuck in Iraq. The worst? My “supervisor” going to my subordinates telling them that he thinks I’m lazy and they need to watch me and make sure I keep working. He won’t talk to me, he just tells those under me… Why does he think I’m lazy? Because I told one of the […]

Took my wifes (dagger_garnet) quiz

20 Questions to a Better Relationship eXpressive: 3/10 Practical: 5/10 Physical: 9/10 Giver: 4/10 You are a RPYT–Reserved Practical Physical Taker. This makes you a Stoic. You are intelligent, rugged, disciplined and profound. Even if you’re saddled with a desk job, you are starving for the outdoors. You are very slow to warm up to […]

Those confusing days…

So, I go back to my bed last night and get told, “Jones, You’re going on a convoy tomorrow. Stay up.” I even verified it on the manifest showing my my name and social, only wrong part was my rank which said A1C. Well, since I just put on SrA a little bit ago I […]

A bad dream… (Exerpt from my role playing group)

I’m involved in a role playing group on yahoo groups, and I wrote this just to pass the time. (Basically, I was bored waiting for others to do something to let me continue…) The background is that Strider is a thief who has a deep need to find something but doesn’t know what… only that […]

Latin And Final Fantasy
Happy Birthday to Me!

I pretty much gave up on doing this everyday… sometimes it’s just too hard to get on a computer for long enough to form a coherent journal entry, and other times I’m so worn out by being over here that I just don’t feel up to writing anything. Of the new stuff, my class is […]

Nothing happened today

Really.. nothing… a few red alarms… I did alot of manual labor… had to work late… and now I’m hot, sweaty and I need a shower…. so I’ll go do that. Bye…


Not much has happened… still playing bitchboy at work. It wears me out so much that most the time when I’m finished, I just want to sit down and do nothing. It’s not even the work itself, it’s just lowering myself to be a bitch…. to doing menial work and let every skill I have […]