My trip and my welcome back…

Well, the trip went ok. I flew up and convoyed back, which was cool. The flight was a low altitude one… and I really mean low altitude… We had to raise altitude just to fly over power lines! It was kinda neat. The convoy back was mostly boring. The most excitement we saw was two […]

Another day in

Well, works been good. It’s actually strange to have the Captain, LT and the Chief talk to me with respect… It’s refreshing for sure. The webpage is coming along. I still need to find out if they allow ASP scripting or any of the like. (If so I’ll just create a ASP driving photo album.) […]

w00t! I be back!

Well, they switched over to the new network, and people from the states took control, and the first thing they did was block EVERYTHING. I’m suprised they allow lj again, actually. I’m happy though since this is my way to let you all know whats up. Anyways, I moved and live in my own connex […]

Here kitty kitty kitty

Meow. Work is going well. My class is too. Had five students this time. Yay! Also, I just found out there is a network drive that has anime on it! W00t! Now, I just need to get my computer… it’s so hard to get stuff in the military… bleh! Anyways, just in case you were […]

A new home.

Sadly, it appears that I won’t be getting my own connex, but I am sharing one with a guy who’s pretty cool. He works nights and I work (generally) days. We have the same interests so I guess we’ll get along pretty well. I’m going to try and get a computer out there as soon […]

Yet I still live!

All right… so I’m sure you all want to know whats new. Hearing lots of big booms, but their all ‘controlled’… how an explosion can be controlled is beyond me… Either way, it’s not the enemy trying to blow me up, so that’s good. Work has been going good as well. I have all the […]


Avast! ’tis time once again for ye ole Talk like a Pirate Day. (Pointed out by there ole scurvy dog, insomnia) Tis t’19th o’September once again, aye! Today wasn’t too bad. Me thinks me’ve secured me position as WGM as well. I’m nay even called Equipment Support anymo’. Me guess that’s a good thin’. Me […]

Sometimes I don’t know why I try…

Well, unless you’ve been totally out of it, you know how excited I was to be given the Workgroup Manager (WM) (Administrator) position for the company. I spent almost the entire day today working to get the computers set up and have alot more work to do. However, tonight AFTER doing all this work AND […]

Welp, yet another day has gone by. Here I sit listening to my music and trying to enjoy the night. Tonight was much better than last night, I’ll give it that. Last night I was sick.. very sick.. It was prob something I ate. I felt fine, taught my class (which was allright… had a […]


Ok.. Some interesting stuff. (We’re supposed to wait 24 hours before we talk about some stuff… I don’t always obey this rule, but due to circumstance, this time I did.) On 11 Sept, we were attacked pretty bad. I started calling it the September 11th fireworks. Of the worst that I heard of was one […]