On another note, today I voted for the first time in my life… May god help us all

Another blink, another breath, another night, another mess

Actually, things aren’t too bad right now. Aside from friends disowning me… You know who you are! Anyway… Today’s been pretty quiet. I teach my class on Tuesdays, work nights on weekends (which screws up my sleeping schedule mind ya..) and generally don’t do much else. Works been going well. I have the webpage almost […]

LJ RSS feed ignores privacy settings?

I was just surfing the net trying to get RSS feeds. (I was using SharpReader, but it sucks! Kept crashing, authentication sucks, hard as hell to add feeds, etc.) RssReader works like a charm. Anyways, I noticed this interesting thing while surfing. I went to the livejournal webpage, and saw a Latest Posts rss feed. […]

Cool stuff!

If you know me long enough, you know that I !LOVE! final fantasy! Well, all except the last movie… I mean, what’s up with that. The only thing that made it even remotely like FF was that they called the planet Gaia. Sheesh. Anyways, FFVII has to be the most popular one ever made, imho. […]

Photoshop fun

I’ve been meaning to make myself a signature and avitar for animesuki.com, and since I don’t have IRC to reoccupy my time, I actually finished one. Let me know what you think. Also, if anyone knows a good place I can host them let me know. The place where they are now is on a […]

No more IRC for me… :(

I was enjoying my day, and then something rather strange happened. Someone logged on to the irc channel I was in and started asking if anyone military was in the room. Someone else responded “A few.” His response was, “From Balad Air Base?” I was like, who is that? Then he gave me my ip […]

Another poem
A poem

I wrote this a while ago, but choose not to put it up until now…


They appear to have trailers for us to move into. It’ll be two people per trailer, and they’re supposed to be pretty well setup, with the exception that they’re not sandbagged yet. Somehow, everyone got a room but me and my current roommate. It doesn’t bother me much, since I like my current home. The […]

More Pictures!

I just took the pictures off of my digital camera, and sadly, almost all the ones from the convoy itself are awful. My camera doesn’t handle well in low light/fast moving environments. I do have some pictures though.