Rain and Sleep…

I’ve been awake for like ever now. It sucks. Actually, I did sleep for like 15 minutes, but it’s all good. I’m going to go teach my class and then CRASH! Whee! I have gentoo up and running. I’m going to go fetch all the kde/mozilla/etc packages while in class, as well as update world. […]


After struggling, and hacking, and rewriting scripts, and doing whatever else I could.. I finally got my laptop.. which has no cdrom or floppy.. to boot a gentoo livecd over the network using PSX booting. Rawk on! I’m happy now. I’m sitting at the livecd root# screen, tired as hell.. wanting to go to sleep, […]

Forgot to mention

Last night we had a freaky windstorm/rainstorm. It only lasted for a few minutes, but it blew down a few of our tents, and even blew another units tent through a chain link fence leaving a gaping hole in the fence and a tent in the middle of the busiest street on base. Also, wind […]

Happy Halloween!

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble –William Shakespeare Witches in Macbeth I’m sure it’s probably not halloween for most of you yet, but it’s 6:40am here. It’s nearing for the rest of you. A day where you get to pretend your someone else; a task not uncommon for some of you, […]

Oahh! I want!

First person to get me one of these becomes my newest best friend! http://www.thefeature.com/article?articleid=101184&ref=3890733 Sweet! And the best part is, using both eyes and this technique, you can create depth. TRUE VR, HERE WE COME! Muahhahahah!

A convo with durrem

Here’s the correspondence I had with durrem, the guy who sent me all those dvd’s.


“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” Friedrich Nietzsche It sucks being alone. I miss my wife. I miss my friends. I wasn’t even able to talk to Tina today because of work. (Well, I talked with her this morning, but I won’t be able to […]

Christmas came early!

Today was going pretty smooth, nothing big. Finished the company webpage, and I need to go fix some computers across base in a little bit. Just another boring day.. or so I thought. I got a package in the mail from Milpitas, California. I was like, who the hell? Maybe l8nite, or Stu? But they’re […]

Anyone else feel like this: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20041025 Oh yea, and if you didn’t notice, I downloaded a livejournal client, so it’s much easier to post. 😉

Riddle me this…

I recently installed firefox for its supremicy over all internet browsers and the l33tness of using it.. blah blah… Anyways, one thing is driving me nuts. The webpage I’ve been working on. It loads just fine in IE, but when I open it in firefox, it totally ignores the CSS file. Images don’t load, no […]