Stupid network…

It looks like they blocked livejournal again. I still have ‘my ways’ to get here, but it means my client won’t work. I guess I could make a little lj proxy for it, but I’m not in the mood. Work hasn’t been too bad. Yesterday (my day off…) I ran electricity to a tent and […]

I know my vote counted!


Why does perldoc have to be down when I want to use it… :/ *mutter*

Linux joys.

In an attempt to fix a few problems, I decided to abandon gentoo-sources and go to gentoo-dev-sources. I use dev-sources on my home machines, so I don’t know why I didn’t just use it here. It was a good reminder at how much easier 2.6 is to configure over 2.4. root@aragorn mnt # uname -a […]

A pox on SAMBA!

I’m getting this nice error when trying to mount a smbfs drive in gentoo. Stale NSF File Handle. Google tells me that lots of other people have this problem as well, it also tells me that nobody has found an answer on the various message boards I checked. smbclient works, but it defeats the purpose […]


Here I am, being shot at and dodging mortars and missiles in the middle of the desert… and the f-ing Air Force has to steal mine and Daniels idea! They can’t do it! It’s mine!


I thought I learned from my past… so why does it seem like history is dangerously close to repeating itself?

I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can play together all night. Bill Watterson What do you think?

The network

Trying to surf the network here is like trying to vote for Kerry! (And voting for Kerry is like voting for nobody at all.) It’s bad enough that on average, you have to reload a webpage 10 times just for it to open, but now you’re gambling on if you’ll be able to get to […]

Nobuo Uematsu leaves Square Enix

I’m sure if you’re a big final fantasy fan, you’ve probably already heard this… but just in case… my favorite composer is starting his own company called Smile Please. You can read the whole article here: