I just ended up looking at some old entries that I wrote and still find myself somewhat impressed by my writing. I really wish I had people who pressured me to keep writing instead of leaving for other opportunities. While the Air Force helped me get a degree I probably wouldn’t have been able to […]
May Day
I had a fairly good night. Went to Morgans May Day party with Florian. I basically ended up talking to him the whole time. It’s not that I didn’t want to mingle or what not, but I felt mostly out of place. It actually reminded me of the parties Morgan threw when we were in […]
I’m coming back…
I haven’t posted in a long time. Not regularly like I once used to. I’ve been wanting to come back, but things have held me back. However, I plan to start posting more often. Hopefully I can get back into my old habits of writing every day. I’ll probably post more private entries, so friend […]
New Servers… Again
So, I finally went with an actual, well known, hosting solution. This is after having more problems with my server. I would get random 500 errors, wasn’t able to get to the control panel at times, and recently I’ve been getting disk quota errors. Hostgator is unlimited bandwidth, space, and domains, a dedicated IP, and […]
World Fantasy – Day 2-4
Day one was fine, but after getting no sleep… the rest of the time pretty much killed me. I like my 8 hours of sleep per night! 😛 The panels were mostly awesome. There were a couple that made me wonder about the panelists. I think a few authors felt that their way was the […]
World Fantasy Day 1
World Fantasy was awesome today, and it wasn’t even the first full day. I met a lot of really interesting people: writers, aspiring authors, publishers, people who just showed us because it looked fun. The panels were really interesting as well. There was one about Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on modern writing, which was interesting. […]
Website Feedback
Feel free to leave any feedback to my website here. Suggestions, critiques, and complaints are all welcome. Thanks for your help!
My NaNoWriMo novel
So, I’m going to take a step back from the current novel I’m writing to tackle a new one for NaNoWriMo. I’m doing this for two reasons: First, I’m kinda stuck on my first one. I had a well defined plot set out and I’ve written all the major plot points, however, I’m not sure […]
Lots of updates
I went through some of my early livejournal entries and copied some poems I wrote over to this site. Before you decide to tell me how bad the poetry is, remember, I wrote most of them 6-7 years ago and I’ve (hopefully) improved. Either way, enjoy!
Boku no tenshi
If an angel fell from heaven And entered moral grasp Would she in her beauty Be to holy for me to clasp Or if a goddess came to see The world she thus blessed Would I be able to look on her without being depressed But still I look and wait And still I try […]