Protected: Who am I?

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Girls need to have more confidence… Especially in the military. Well, scratch that… in general. I guess everyone should…


Ok, I take back everything I ever said about Naruto. Not only do I find myself laughing it’s now the third movie to almost make me cry. I just watched 19 and those last couple episodes got to me. Never before has one got me so worked up so early in the series. It definitely […]

Thanksgiving Dinner

Since Robles and Stafford are on the road, and I don’t know where any of my other friends are… I guess I’m going to walk to the DFAC and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner by myself. I guess I wasn’t expecting anything else really. Just another day I guess.

Stolen from friends lists.
Robin Williams solution for peace (stolen from dejiko)
Mail, Anime, and other stuff piped from /dev/random

They finally decided to get mail today, and I actually got something! Two things! The small of the two was a postcard from my Eric (little brother teaching English in China.) Anyway, it mentions how he slept on the great wall and all that fun stuff. I’m kinda amazed by the military though. The postcard […]

Real deep thoughts

I have a few questions for you that originated from a convo with a friend of mine… 1. About a relationship… if your significant other was cheating on you… would you rather find proof and know the truth of it, or would you rather live a lie and have them still be your perfect person? […]

Midori no Hibi

Upon further watching of the show, Midori is her name, and Jeffery’s dictionary says hibi is like daily and stuff as well… I guess the best translation would be “A day in the life of Midori.”

IM and anime..

It appears that they have done something to prevent me from using IM’s here. (I can still use Yahoo Japan, but nothing else…) I guess the military is truly committed to preventing any communication with friends and family. Maybe I’ll just move to the trailers where I can do whatever I want on the hajji […]