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Banned Books? Stolen from

A list of the top 110 banned books in the US. Bold the ones you’ve read, italicize the books you’ve read part of. (I added comments after the books I read as an extra.)


Microsoft really annoys me at times. Too bad I can’t switch to linux on my work computers. Recently, it’s been about their change to the IME (Input Method Editor) software. (The program that converts japanese to 日本語.) It used to work fairly well in any program… You choose japanese and hiragana and type away. Now […]

Quiz time
Dream Computer

I was looking through Sharky Extreme’s Extreme Gaming PC Buyers Guide and I think I found my dream computer. Keep the case, KB, Mouse, Monitor that I currently have and add the following: $110.00 Antec Neopower (It has cool cables that plug into it when you need them… no more unused cables.) $130.00 ASUS A8V […]

Livejournal Coupons!

I was looking at the Wikipedia for Livejournal and noticed this: # December 17, 2003 — Unused Invite Codes can be used to obtain LiveJournal coupons until December 31. Well, since that was 2003, it can’t still be up now. Anyways, I followed the link: and clicked on the link to claim them. End […]

A little laugh? And other stuff..
Christmas in Iraq

My dad sent me a pretty cool package for christmas. Frisbee, Football, little plastic baseball bat/ball, and other stuff that’s getting too cold to use out here. I also got a thing of crazy string, a yo-yo, and a broken remote control car… :\ He also sent me this:

Stolen from knightcat

You are a “Neko” (cat) What Japanese Smiley Are You?

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