Update! Yay!

Well, For the last week and a half the two CGI proxies I normally use have been down. One just doesn’t load and the second gives an “This account is suspended. Please contact the billing office immediatly!” So, that left me with no way to goto livejournal which is blocked due to it being a […]

It’s sad because it’s true… Userfriendly’s take on the military on christmas.


The only thing that told me it was Christmas was the calendar. It rained all day here, more rain than I have seen before. If you went anywhere, you came back covered in mud. It was unavoidable. I did get a box from Tina which was nice. It held some books and treats. One of […]

Merry Christmas Doesn’t it suck to have to work on Christmas day. oh well. At least they let me sleep in a little. Also, does anyone have the Softsubs for Read or Die OVA? (Durrem?) I was going to watch it but I can’t keep up with the japanese. I have to keep stopping to […]

Megatokyo tells it how it truly is…

Prebuilt computers are an abomination! I love megatokyo. 🙂

Protected: Tiring night.

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Update about me.

I’m still alive, don’t worry. If you really want to know what happened… I went on a convoy about a week ago (to Taji, it’s just a couple hours away) and while I was there I saw Neverwinter Nights for sell for like $20. Well, needless to say, I bought it and it has consumed […]

Protected: Basic Combat Convoy Course (BC3)

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Protected: WTF?!?

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Operation Security?

I guess someone from my home station (Pope) emailed the people here saying I was talking about things I shouldn’t talk about on here, or had pictures I shouldn’t have up. Since I only have one entry where I talk about the convoys (the one I went on) I figured they were complaining about it. […]