I really don’t know… really…

In sleep she meowed to me In dreams, she purred That meow which calls to me. And meowed the same And do I dream again, for now I find… The phannnntom of the kitty is there… Inside the litterbox. … Those who have seen your claws, draw back in fear I am the leash you […]

Spring II classes

I went and saw Phantom of the Opera tonight. Awesome show, as expected. Great music. Makes me wish I could sing. The bad part is… since I’ve gotten so little sleep these last couple days, I kept almost faling asleep… it sucked. I’ll have to watch it again later to see what it looks like […]

Sometimes I wish Livejournal didn’t have their non-delete policy, but I guess it is better. The livejournal account Strider was created 5 years ago, used to post one comment, and then never used again. No friends, nothing. Early adopter at that. I so want that account. 🙁 Oh well. Such is life, I guess.

Another one stolen from

[Image Deleted] Sooooo bad…

As seen on fieryphoenix

The Great LiveJournalOutage of 2005 During the outage I relaxed with a book and some good music. What did you do? Brought to you by geek-foo The scary thing is… I actually did. I almost finishe Babylon Rising. That and working…

Protected: My LJ user icon

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


This is my last night as the official WGM for my detachment. I’ll still be here, but I’ll be training the new one. This might mean I’ll stay just as busy, but we’ll see. I might lose my area/computer/etc due to the transition, so I’m writing this tonight. First, I would like to thank Tina, […]

I need to stop doing so many quizes and write more.. :/

You Are 22 Years Old 22 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view – and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a […]

Well, that was nasty, ne? I had a lot to post about, but I don’t know what to type anymore. :/ Oh well. Glad to see LJ is back.