Question: What is a meme?

I’ve seen friends post stuff like “I took a meme” and “Meme time!” or variations of those phrases where meme means, in general, an internet quiz. (Much like the ones down below the lj-cut.) Examples of this can be seen everywhere on google. There is even a how to write a meme page; or you […]

Chrno Crusade

I just finished Chrno Crusade. The beginning was alright, and I kinda had to go on faith that it would get better… and I think it really did. The ending is awesome. I especially like how they pull some real life events and place it in the show. Adds a bit of realism to it. […]

Man makes super death ray that see’s through walls.

Really, his alien brotheren spoke to him in a dream or something. And France is cool… ok, maybe that is going to far. If you’re curious, read this. It’s definitely #1 on my WTF charts.

Sad day in Radio (Pointed out by kurichan)

Some of you have probably heard about the infamous “Tsunami Song” aired by Hot’97, a NYC RnB radio station. If you haven’t, let me enlighten you. Basically it’s a skit making fun of everyone who was killed or caught up in the recent Tsunami. It makes fun of Asians in general as well. Here are […]

Another LotR spoof courtesy of cleolinda
Pope Group Picture

Here is a picture of everyone from my base. The plan is to give this picture along with a flag to the Wing Commander upon returning to home station. (The flag is one that has been driven around iraq in the vehicles.)

An interesting article about us wearing the Combat Patches we were awarded.

Protected: Stormy weather and covert ops.

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Protected: Trust

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