The long awaited update.

CONGRATZ DANIEL! My little brother is now a E-4 (Corporal). Well, actually, at the beginning of this month, but I’m happy for him. And on to my rant..

I just found out that I’m going back to Iraq. I’ll be doing convoys again, only this time I won’t be doing the Gun Trucks. Just driving semi’s with goods across Iraq. Yuck. Anyways, I have the next couple days off so I’ll post more. Just a quick update.

Quick update

I’m in SLC, Utah right now on leave and having a pretty good time. After some stupid stuff (white water rafting with no life vests and only two paddles) and a few family get-togethers later, I’m doing pretty good. I’m going water skiing and wave-running tomorrow, and that sounds fun. 🙂 I need to register […]

Latest information…

If you read my wifes journal, you should know by now that I am on the list to be deployed again. Blarg. Good news is that I’ll be going to Kuwait to do support instead of doing convoys in Iraq again. Rumor also says that it’ll only be four months versus the six we were […]

And I never knew what I was missing.

My cable internet went down yesterday, so I called RR and had them come to check it. With my old Surfboard 4100, I was getting about 1.5MB/sec… ok.. it worked… whatever… He changed it out with a Surfboard 5100… now I get around 5MB/sec… Oh Baby! I’m going to go play some CS:S to test […]

Game design/Piracy/etc

Here is the transcripts for the last IDGA – Burn the House Down – Game Developer Rant. Very interesting stuff. I especially like the comments about the next gen consoles and the topic of Piracy. I agree fully! This was linked to from the gamers manifesto which is also somewhat interesting to read.

Because tina wanted me to post this here… :/

Quick update. I think I did well on my PFE test, but I have no clue how I did on my SKT test. The SKT is the test on your job and stuff… and well, my shop does everything… wrong… Anyways, I studied expecting one test and got a totally different one than I studied […]

Quick Update

I test for staff in the morning, so I need to get to sleep. Tomorrow will mark the end the reign of books over my life since school started when I got back from Iraq. I’m looking forward to being able to study my own stuff once more. This weekend is the airshow, so I’ll […]

BRAC Listing

Here is the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) listing for Pope AFB. As you can see, I’ll be finding a new home soon.