A new laptop?

I’ve been looking on and off for a laptop that I would like… Generally I keep arriving back at the same decision that I would like an HP Pavilion zd8000 series, but due to money and ‘other’ reasons, I keep putting it off. And, even though I finally thought I was ready to get it, […]

It looks like M$ decided to compete with Googles Start page. It’s at http://www.start.com/3/. Looks quite similar… Although, the real irony is that I clicked on a link from my google start page to see the M$ start page. I’m sorry google, I’ll never do it again! *shudder* Also, for those military people, a little […]

Iraq, again…

Dates just came out. I leave for training again on 19 Sept. I’ll be there for a month, then I’ll be off to somewhere else for Live Fire Training. I’m not sure how long this will be, but after the training I’ll be on my way to Iraq once more. This time, instead of the […]

HOT! Sooooo HOT!

Last night I got a phone call telling me that I needed to be into work at 3:30am this morning. So, after getting little sleep, I went into work and arrived at the pickup point with a bus ready to drive to South Carolina…. only to find out they canceled the run the night before. […]


This is just too cool. Voltron on the big screen. Hopefully I’ll enjoy it as much as I did when I was a kid, but we’ll see.


Ayumi is releasing a new album called Fairyland I want it! 🙂 I love Ayumi! I’ve already seen the music video and the song is awesome. She never ceases to amaze me. Yay!

After all those years of System Admins (Specifically Mail Admins) banging their heads on their desks due to spam… Looks like one of them decided to fight back.


Ok, this whole GTA thing is making me mad. I’ve never really played it, (other than at friends house and that was just driving and being chased by the cops, I’ve never done one adventure in any GTA game.) however, this whole contriversial sex game that is has the whole industry in an uproar… I […]

Harry Potter…

Finished the book. Not the ending I expected. I’m wondering how it’ll end. One more book, and plenty of time to wait for it… blah. I work this weekend… at least I don’t have any more school. I wonder what my grades were. I guess we’ll see. Matt

Mission Complete!

I just took my Security+ test, and I recieved a 852 out of 900. 764 was the passing cutoff. I guess that means I am now a Junior level Security person… or, since it’s a CompTIA test, absolutly nothing. (They’re worthless, but hey, it did give me an A in my class, so I guess […]