XSS Security Challenge

For those security people out there… Livejournal is offering a hacking challenge. Details can be viewed here. Basically, you find a XSS hole (will explain later for the rest of you..) you get a perm account! So, start hacking. You can see my progress (zero) here. Now, if your curious what XSS is… it stands […]

I want this!

Someone give me a early birthday present… Well, it doesn’t come out until July, but yea… Terry Goodkinds, Phantom. It’s book 10 in the Sword of Truth series. A must read. No really, you have to read it. Go. NOW!

I haven’t been posting a lot, and I’m not really sure why. I guess that I just don’t know what to say or that I don’t really know who is reading this and I am unsure what information really should be conveyed. Somewhere along the way I guess I stopped writing this for myself. I […]

meme stolen from longarm

Dear Life, I started playing everquest. I guess this means goodbye. Sorry. Matt Meh.. I shouldn’t start playing again, I know it.. but it is entertaining. *la sigh*

Ok.. I’m tired but I’ll try to push out a real entry. Although I know my fanbase has died tremendously, I hope there are still a few who still like reading this. While I’m sure my decrease of posts are what brought about the decrease in comments, but it’s still sad. Not that I miss […]

kurichan pointed to this: http://www.comingsoon.net/trailers/doa/ muhahahaha… I think I’ll ignore her advice and go see it 🙂 Anyway, sorry for not writing…I’m so bad at that lately… need to finish up homework by next week. I’ve also been given my CDC’s that I need to finish soon. And I’ve been putting them all off to […]

Zorro 2, further proof that what worked well once doesn’t always work well a second time…

Actually, it just plain sucked. TOTALLY sucked. There was like one line I liked in the movie. “Prison changes a man.” (You have to see it in context…) Anyway, it was way to cliche, lame, and FAKE! Nothing like that ever happens or COULD HAPPEN! Part of the reason I watch movies is because you […]

Pitsenbarger Award

My luck was a little better when it came to my CCAF graduation. Out of the 45 graduates, I was one of the 5 Pitsenbarger award winners. Yay! Gave me a nice like certificate, and some green stuff. $500 of green stuff. Of course the wife has graciously donated it to our savings account so […]