So yea… I went through and took most people who haven’t posted in a long time off my friends list. If any of you guys actually come back, send me a msg so I can add ya again. Not sure why.. just bored.

Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it. – Stephen Vizinczey So, they’re saying I need one more comp sci elective. Blah. So I’m taking Certified Ethical Hacking for summer along with German. Only two months… I can do it. Also.. I had to go to […]

My Time

Aside from work and school, I’ve been thinking of what I’m going to spend my time on for the next little bit. Currently: Everquest: Probably playing my Bard Utaboshi since I can solo with him… which is something I can’t really say for my Wizard Grongel. (Even though the wizard is at the highest level, […]

The life of a bored man.

Last week was my finals week for spring semester. I have ONE class left for my degree. German 201. I really wish they offered Japanese instead, but I’ll do what I have to. One class. I’ll walk down the stage with my B.S. in fall. (Assuming I’m still here of course.) Either way, I’ll be […]

Room Nineteen. More homework… and quite a lot of jumbled emotions…

I’m in a mood to write right now. I just finished my last story I need to read for my English 202 course, and it hit harder than I expected it would. With my Marriage anniversary next week, and Alex losing his young cousin… even the name in the story is my own… I summarize […]

Some of my english homework

Every now and then you write something that impresses yourself a little. While I was finishing some english homework, I reread what I wrote and was somewhat impressed. So, of course, I’m posting it for praise and whatnot. (Yea, at least I’m honest!) Actually, it does give you a view into why I joined the […]

My cock riding a racoon…

Due to the incredible want to see this… I finally present.. my cock riding a racoon. At two angles for your viewing pleasure!

Your long awaited update…

Ok ok ok.. I”m still alive… Please don’t kill me… Yikes.. I sat down with a lot to say and now I’m not sure where to start. Lots have happened so I guess I have to figure out what to include and what not to… Lets see… I went to the Everquest Fanfaire. Figure I […]

The word of the Day: CUM

Yes, it is. Really. It was on my google homepage. See the word CUM Today 🙂