Utada Hikaru – Ultra Blue is released today! Someone buy it for me!

Gentoo and free time
Masters Degree

Last one tonight! I promise. (I’ve been here since 11pm, and it’s now 5am. I haven’t done a DAMN thing other than surf)

Quotes and Music

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. – HG Wells No human thing is of serious importance. – Plato Amen! Some lyrics to music I like: Miz – Not You


Finally went to the CarolinaCon. I loved it. It was good to see all the 2600 crew again, and meet all the new people that have joined in the last few months. It’s sad that I work swings now and am unable to attend any of the meetings. They didn’t make me a staff badge […]

School is expensive!

It’s going to be a really long night for me. 🙁 Some other squadron is doing some exercise, and since we have to support them, I get the ‘pleasure’ of working a 12 hour shift tonight. 7pm-7am. Then I get to go to class at 8:30am. And then I’m going to rush my ass to […]

Learn to eat Sushi!

This is the funniest thing ever! It’s a (obviously joke) learn to eat sushi video. Check it out. [Edit: Ok.. it’s obviously not the funniest thing ever. But at 5am, do you blame me?]

Utada Hikaru…

So, first MsTokyoRose posts in her journal about how she has tickets to Utada Hikaru’s Tour and then she goes to post actual images of the tickets. I so want to go. Why can’t anything good happen to me? *cries*


Just wanted to throw this up for you guys. Anyone who likes to listen to Final Fantasy music (and anyone who looks at my last.fm page will see how much I love Nobuo Uematsu’s music…) or anyone who likes the games should check this out: http://chrono.ocremix.org/ To give the description from the webpage: Chrono Symphonic […]

MySpace and Anime

Ok, so people stop asking, THIS IS MY MYSPACE But I NEVER use it. I had to try six passwords just to figure out the right one. Only reason there is a picture there is because Tina put it there since she hates her friends not having pictures.. 😛 But there it is. Also, I […]