I just finished my first masters level class. Yay for me. Good news, it’s the only non-computer class I’m required to take. (The research/library skills class.) Bad news, it’s the only class I’m forced to take that gives no credits. Either way, I’m finished, and that makes me happy. I’m about 1/2 way through with […]

Family Planning Advice…

Family Planning Advice. I personally think there are better ways of birth control, but who am I to go against Northamton General Hospital’s advice?

Weird Al – White and Nerdy That’s pretty funny… 😛


I just received my student transcripts for my B.S. Degree. My final GPA was 3.573, so I was given Cum Laude, but just missed Magna Cum Laude. Oh well, it’s the first piece of paper that says I’ve officially completed my degree. It came with a letter saying that my diploma will be ordered with […]

Happy Birthday to me..

Well, it was supposed to be a happy day… but nooooooooo… Heh.. if Tina wasn’t there, it would have sucked royally! First of all, the cats were spectacular last night when it comes to keeping us awake. First they play tag across the bed, and then they use the blinds as a punching bag. After […]

According to CNN Money, Software Engineer is listed as the #1 job in america. Now, all I need to do is get out of the military and actually jump into it. Another year and some change…. I so can’t wait.

Been a while.

Quite a while… I was pretty good with posting for a while. School (semi-)started and I’ve been dealing with homework. While it’s just the beginning, I can already tell that my Masters degree is going to take a lot more time than my B.S. took. (I know that to most that would be an obvious […]

Updated/organized memories and anime list…

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The promised update

Soo… lets see. I spent the last two weeks in Utah doing chores. Yes, chores. Well, not all the time, but all in all, Tina and I had a total of like five hours by ourselves. I BARELY got to see Clint twice (BBQ’d some steaks in the canyon and went to say goodbye to […]