So, with less than a week left.. who wants a card?
If anyone wants a E-Card… from me.. personalized with all my goodness… Reply and give me your email address. (Comments screened.) You have my guarantee that you’ll get one e-card per email address given! (Warning: Giving multiple email address may increase the maturity rating of the card due to language.) 😉 So, Merry Christmas and […]
It’s… over *gasps for breath*
So, I just submitted my final for my first masters program course. We were given plenty of time to work on the final (which was the hardest test I’ve ever taken…) but, lucky me, I got stuck in the middle of an exercise on base. 12 hour shifts where more than 6 of those are […]
Bridge to Terabithia
I’ve mentioned before (but I can’t find it to link…) that Bridge to Terabithia was an awesome book. I first read it in early Junior High and read it again when Tina sent it to me in Iraq. Well, now Disney is releasing a movie based on the book. Walt Disney Pictures’ Bridge to Terabithia […]
Protected: Who am I?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Sad day in the life…
So.. I went next door to play WoW with a friend. At first I thought it was strange when I was disconnected and attributed it all to wireless lag or something…. but then I couldn’t log back in. Looks like somehow someone else got my account details and used it to login. (I actually found […]
When you’re at the very bottom, the only way to go is up… right?
I wrote this big rant… and since I hate taking lots of space on friends list… I cut it all out. Click if you really care. 🙂
Overdue updates
These last couple days have been misery for me. Sleep has been a rare but elusive treasure and it’s really been beating me down. Yesterday I did my normal night shift hours, and then had to stay up until around 1-2 so we could do flight pictures at work and I needed to get my […]
Melancholy nights
I don’t know why, but just tonight I’ve feel very melancholy… and I’m not sure why. Kind of a feeling that something is wrong. Could be that the night started with American Beauty on tv. While a great show, it always puts me into a what is life contiplative mood. I do hate my job, […]