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CarolinaCon 2007 CTF
Just wanted to post this quickly. I came in Second on the CC Capture the Flag hacking event. Main CTF site: Final Scores: And the ONLY reason I wasn’t first was because I didn’t go there the night before. I arrived at 3pm and CTF ended around 10pm. So the guy who hacked […]
Because of this article that chimerically posted, I’m sitting here listening to classical while I.. um… pretend to relax. Due to my slanderous ways (and by that I mean I slander time and procrastinate) I’m on the final stretch of my classes and have a research paper to write, group projects to complete, and finals […]
Winamp Remote
For all you techie people, there is an awesome new program by winamp called Winamp remote. It allows you to stream your music from your home computer to other places. The best part is, you can stream it to your cell phone as well! It’s pretty awesome. :You can check it out here: Also, […]
Washington D.C.
So, I’m going on “vacation” to Washington D.C. on Sunday to Wednesday. Anyone have tips on what I should visit while I’m up there?
Spring Classes == me broke
So, start Round 2 of my graduate classes. Classes start on the 24th of January and end on 10 May. (Just in time for my anniversary.)
I forgot to post this, but it’s so cool I couldn’t let it pass… has article talking about the top 10 Astronomy images of 2006. While most are pretty cool, #1 just blew my mind. (It’s now the desktop on my laptop.) For those who don’t want do do the clicking, just Click Here […]
Christmas Update and other cool stuff
I may be gone for the next week or so because they’re (maybe) sending me up to D.C. to help out with President Ford’s funeral. I think it will be a nice honor and I look forward to it. As for my Christmas, it wasn’t too bad. Put up the tree just before and will […]