Those bastards! The Air Force blocked… Now what am I going to do with my spare time. (Well, there is always homework… blah)

I just found out why I’ll never be a superstar programmer… I don’t drink. Unless, of course, caffeine levels are a viable substitute for alcohol…. I’ll have to do more tests and get back to you.

Goodbyes, and no rest for the weary.

So, today we had our farewell for all our deployers. There are quite a few of them and they leave this weekend. It also leaves our shop down to about 10 people. Means these 12 hours shifts don’t look like they’ll dissappear anytime soon. It does mean, however, that I will (most likely) never see […]


Because I’m curious… Sitemeter Link remove. Moved to my webpage. Too late, your marked now. 🙂


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So, I sent my resume into google and got a phone call an hour later. After talking for about 30 minutes he said he would forward my resume to his boss and they would get back to me in a week. That’s good news, right? One thing he said that was a minus was the […]


So, I applied for Google. Never know if you never try, right? I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to look over my resume and webpage. Your input, if for no other reason, has helped calm my nerves. 🙂 Wish me luck.

The job search…
Protected: Cost of living?

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My wife doesn’t find the humor in this, but I find it hilarious… and Along with most the comics on that site… Ahh, great stuff…