Interview Logic Questions

Since I’ve been so nervous about getting this job, I decided to go on the search of google job interview questions. While, I’m pretty sure I won’t get asked any of them, I find them quite fun to try and figure out. So, I’m going to try and figure them out. (Note: Yes, some sites […]

Something strange happened. I’m able to get on gmail from work. Google Talk too. So, if you want to say hi, get on google talk and send me a message. 🙂 Oh, and mixi too! I wonder how long this good fortune will last.

This is for anyone who writes C++. Am I the only one who finds this amazing?

Just another rant. Little sleep, and another talk with google.

I stayed up late last night working on my midterms. One is due tomorrow, and the other on Monday. After I went to bed, I was woken up almost on the hour, every hour, by my cats. Why do they have to be so nocturnal? One of my cats has gotten into this habit of […]


This is for comments from my webpage until I have some extra time to get the database up and running.

A community for writers… who can’t write?

During one of my (many) breaks of my midterm, I decided to look up communities for writers on Orkut. No big deal, just something where I can read about other writers. And, one of the communities with the biggest member count has this introduction: ITS A COMMUNITY BONDING ALL THE WRITERS … WHETHER PROFESSIONAL OR […]

Webpage Update

I updated the main page on my website and added a calender. I wanted something that described myself better instead of that offered to waste the readers time. 🙂 Let me know what you think.

For other software engineers.

I’m doing my midterms now, and while researching I found this: If you’re not a software engineer, you prob don’t get it… but it’s funny.

A new hope.

I just read my last post. I wrote it to blow off some steam and just to write, and ended up sounding emo. Heh. I have more faith in myself than my prior post suggests, but I’m just frustrated with myself since I haven’t really participated in anything big over the last little bit. Working […]

The Future.

It is 9:30pm for me, and this ends another day where I have accomplished very little. I was thanked for all the hard work I’ve done over the last two weeks. A few words, and I feel very little from them. They promise time off, which will be nice since I’m so far behind on […]