
Finished with finals. Mostly finished with outprocessing. Also, I found a place that will move all our stuff (including a car) for about what it would have cost us to drive the truck ourselves, so we’ll be able to drive using only one car. (Thank god.) Now…. A hell of a lot of packing. Why […]

The Drive

The drive to Cali If you’re on or near this, let me know and maybe I’ll stop buy and buy ya lunch.

Last day.

And so ends my last work day. Next week will be spent going to appointments and outprocessing. Next friday will be my final outprocessing and my last official day at Pope Air Force Base.

New Job

So I got back from my interview with Tellme yesterday. It was really enjoyable. They have the big business money, but still keep the small business feel. The people there were really nice. I’m only kinda angry that my friend who works there and battled in my favor wasn’t there for the interview. They’re starting […]


So, I FINALLY get the results back from my research paper. AN 80. Why did I get a crappy grade?

Protected: Bored!

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Protected: My ‘trip’ to Silicon Valley (Dec 11-13)

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


I have my orders, finally, and can actually get down to really outprocessing. According to my orders I’m getting a Honorable Discharge with full benefits. (Well, that was obvious I guess.) I guess they’re also putting me in for a medal for good conduct and stuff like that. Also, I finally finished my school project, […]

Forklift Driver

Here is a forklift training video. (Well, a parody of course.) If you ever wanted to know what I do everyday at work…

Trans Siberian Orchestra

The Trans Siberian Orchestra has always been one of my favorite bands and I listen to them year around. (Although, it does give me strange looks when I blast Christmas Canon during the summer months.) Never-the-less, now is the time I can listen to it freely and actually get nods of approval from passing spectators. […]