Programming questions

Sooo… I had the weekend off of work. At least, that’s what the schedule says. And, now I sit, at work, typing into LJ. Fun stuff. Anyone have some good interview C++/OS/Data Structs/etc questions they can quiz me with? I’ll prob search the web and try some I find online, but anything random would be […]


Woot! I have a phone interview with one of Google’s Engineers. I guess this means I convinced them to look past my limited experience and test me. You know, I’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about Google recruiters. I must have been just lucky. I’ve been dealing with a guy named Andrew who has […]

From insomnia I think I need to go stab out my eyes with rusty nails.

So… my mom called and told me she was reading my webpage. And then she asked about the bondage thing. Yea…. Fun times.

1 Month, 29 days left. Yesterday was exactly two months. It’s getting closer.


This is funny. I love how the girl is so happy! (Are there really girls like this?) And you can wear your clothes over it! Wow! *laugh* And yes, this is definitely not safe for work. XD

Protected: Midterm?

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Interview Logic Questions

Since I’ve been so nervous about getting this job, I decided to go on the search of google job interview questions. While, I’m pretty sure I won’t get asked any of them, I find them quite fun to try and figure out. So, I’m going to try and figure them out. (Note: Yes, some sites […]

Something strange happened. I’m able to get on gmail from work. Google Talk too. So, if you want to say hi, get on google talk and send me a message. 🙂 Oh, and mixi too! I wonder how long this good fortune will last.

This is for anyone who writes C++. Am I the only one who finds this amazing?