Yesterday, Tina wanted me to write a poem. We were in Dee’s eating, so I pulled out a pen and took a napkin and started writing. It’s not that good, but here it is none-the-less. The winds, the whisper of a light A sunset that leads toward a magical night Auburn as the hair that […]
Conditioning vs Learned Response
Today was interesting. I spent almost all of it working. (The time I wasn’t working, I went to lunch with Aubree and took her/picked her up from work.) After Aubree got off work, we got into this big conversation. It started with her saying something from church that had a lot of ‘We love god.” […]
Stolen from shippo
Arwen If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Arwen, Elf, the daughter of Elrond. In the movie, I am played by Liv Tyler. Who would you be?Zovakware Lord of the Rings Character Test with Perseus Survey Power Well, that’s not right… Everyone knows who I really am… so […]
Friends, once more.
I have never denied that Aubree was the best thing that ever happened to me. But before I loved her, I was just her friend. More of a brother it seemed at times. And it seems like that’s all I am once more. And, more than likely, ever again. I think she feels like that […]
A Christmas Carol
Today was a really fun night. I was at first planning on going to Hill Air Force base with Bob and Will to join some SCA event, but due to hardly any sleep and lack of some money I stayed home. I called Aubree to see if she wanted to hang out but she was […]
Stolen from shippo
I was bored so I did some friend finder thing. One of the questions it asked was, “How do I feel about my career, family and life in general?” I thought about this and decided Happy. You know, even if I don’t have my true love… and even if things don’t normally go my way, […]
Today was all right. I went over to Rory’s and we were supposed to watch a movie, but it turned into a net party instead. At least I’m still good enough to rock their worlds at Counter Strike. 🙂 Today I’m supposed to go meet with Akemi and work on Japanese. I wonder how that’s […]