Wasted Day

Well… The anime party happened, and I ended up watching the Cowboy Bebop movie by myself. After that, I read or messed around online until I had the date… which I waited for about two hours before I said ‘Screw it’ and got a bunch of friends and we went out to eat. That was […]

Just another day, just another dream

Well, I guess it happened one more time. I broke down crying… it sucked. It wasn’t for any old reason, but for a new one. A anime called Kanon, which I think has become my favorite. It talks about a love story between a few different people. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone […]

One step closer, and a million more to make

Time has been passing, yet still I feel the same. I’ve been studying harder, trying more to become better at Arabic, but I end up still confused. I am doing better in class, but these sessions of staying up until twelve thirty in the morning don’t help at all in the classroom. Also, they assign […]

I hate arabic!

احقد عربي احقد كتابي هو احقد تكلم هو احقد كل شيء هو Translation: I hate Arabic. I hate Writing it. I hate reading it. I hate everything!

I spent most the night helping a friend get his webserver working (apache 1.3) and php installed. I got it up and running, but I need to be up in two hours.. blah.. Hehe In return I get some webspace, so my webpage will be returning.. you can see it here http://www.dark-knights.org/strider/ Enjoy


I ended it today. I told Aubree I would give her the money I promised, as well as the leftover gifts I have, and that will be the end of it. I told her I wouldn’t talk to her anymore because whenever I do I just make her mad… I deleted her from my list…. […]

I couldn’t sleep so I came here to write a bit. Calm my thoughts and sooth my soul more or less. Aubree’s been online lately…well… not really. Just after she gets back from playing with her friends which is normally after I am asleep. And even now, she’s online but she won’t talk to me. […]

Stolen from digitl_siryn

What Was Your PastLife?

Here are pictures of friends and stuff… Just a note, the pictures of Yea.. she lookes better in real life.. I had to catch her by suprise to get those. 😛 And most have her face blocked. Normally she’s very cheerful though. But I couldn’t date her… she smokes… *sigh* I’m working on getting her […]

Click here to see the Presidio of Monterey. This is where I’m stationed at.